Visibility Range

Galvs visibility range

This script can make the player only able to see in a certain radius around themself. The rest is darkness. This size and opacity of this darkness is controlled using variables and turned on/off using a switch.

How to Use
1. Place script under Materials and above Main (And under any battle scripts you are using).
2. Copy the image from the demo into your project’s /Graphics/System/ folder.
3. Read script instructions and settings to learn how to use and set variables.
4. Make sure to start a new game after adding the script.

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Layer Graphics

Layer Graphics

Create image layers for maps that can scroll, move like the parallax or be stuck to the map. Created to be used for overlay mapping, fog or other image effects.

There are other scripts available that do a similar thing, this is just my implementation of it. I recommend trying the others out (as they are possibly better!). I created this for myself but thought I’d add it to my archive for anyone to use if so desired.

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Character Effects

Character Effects

This script was made to provide some additional effects for events, followers and the player on the map. Currently it has 4 effects:
Lower reflections (for uses like glass floor or water), shadows that are drawn from a light source location, mirror reflections (mirrors on walls) and displaying icons over characters.

The reflections can use custom charset and be disabled for actors and events (vampires don’t have reflections and perhaps you can see if someone is good or evil in their reflections). These reflections are drawn on the parallax – meaning it is not noob friendly, you will need some basic skills such as using a graphics program to make water tiles partially transparent or using parallax mapping.

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Variable Instance Bars

Variable Bar

First things first. This script is purely cosmetic. It doesn’t control or look after whatever it is you are increasing/decreasing and using the bar to show.
Eg. If you’re bar reaches full, YOU will need to set up using events what happens after it gets there. (See demo with an example of this).
An exception is the variable bar (see below).

The script can call a bar that will animate decreasing or increasing by certain amounts based on your input and then disappear again afterward. You can call a custom bar or a variable bar.
The custom bar increases/decreases depending on the settings you give it. (It will not automatically adjust any parameters, experience, etc. for you. You do that manually).
The variable bar will adjust the chosen variable automatically by the amount you set in the script call.
These bars only work on the map.

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Message Busts

Message Busts
Message Busts

Automatically show a bust instead of the face chosen in a “Show Message” window so you don’t have to keep using “Show Picture” every time.
– Set up how you want busts to be displayed in your game
– Revert to normal messages with a switch.
– Bust can be on the left or on the right mirrored using a script call before showing a message

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Visual Novel Choices


A purely aesthetic change. Changes the “Show Choices” function to look like the screenshot in a visual novel style layout.
– Use a custom graphic that is displayed behind each choice.
– Also added text code to use to change the custom graphic for individual choices if desired.
– Uses a graphic for the cursor.
– Settings that allow you to tweak sizes and positions for using your own custom graphics for everything.

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Region Effects

Specify effects you want to happen on designated region tiles.
Region effects can include:
– A sound effect (automatically varies volume and pitch so not to be repetitive)
– An event that appears at the player’s location (for example, footprints. These events are stored on a designated map)
– Activating a common event
I figure with access to these three things (and some eventing knowledge), you can create a region effect that does nearly anything you want so you don’t have to spam events everywhere.

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