Battle Pets

Galvs battle pets
Galvs battle pets

This scripts allows you to equip pets to your actors that grant skills and abilities. These pets will appear alongside animated battlers (if you are using a compatible animated battlers script). A menu scene is also available to equip, feed and view your pets. Feeding a pet increases their level and also the bonuses they give to actors.
The script uses Holder’s Mag series of battlers.

Currently tested and working with:
– Galv’s Animated Battlers
– Victor’s Animated Battlers + Actor Battlers (both required)
– Yami’s Battle Symphony

This script is NOT plug and play or friendly for new users. It requires a lot of setup and understanding of rpgmaker database.

How to Use
1. Get holder style battlers + mags (
2. Import battlers into /Graphics/Battlers folder
3. Put this script below Materials and above main. Make sure it is under any battle scripts in the script list also
4. Read all instructions and settings
5. Set up desired pets in the PET SETUP section
6. Set up LEVEL TYPES for those pets
7. Set up the armors assosciated with those pets
8. Remember to start a NEW GAME instead of loading a save file that was made prior to adding this script
9. Keep in mind I spent ages writing detailed info on how to use this. Before you ask how something is done, please read over it!

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Animated Battlers

Galvs animated battlers

Allows you to use holder-style animated battlers in your battles. This is a simple implementation with not as many options as other popular animated battler scripts.
Note tag actors and enemies to specify which battler spritesheets they use.
Note tag your state, skills and items to specify which pose in the spritesheet they use.

How to Use
1. Place script under Materials and above Main (And under any battle scripts you are using).
2. Read script instructions and settings to learn how to use.
3. Visit holder’s animated battlers website to get some battler spritesheets to use. (Or make your own!)
3. Make sure to start a new game after adding the script.

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Timed Button Attacks

Timed Button Attacks

Chosen skills/items can display an indicator above the target during their animations. The outer part of the indicator shrinks down and if the player presses the designated button when it meets the inner part of the indicator – the skill can do enhanced damage/healing or apply/remove a state.
This indicator can also be applied to actors and equipment to allow the player to defend against enemy attacks by applying/removing a state or decreasing the damage of the incoming attack.

Each skill/item/equip/actor can use a different indicator graphic, be different speeds and have different difficulty of their timed presses. They can also do different state and damage modification.
Vocab can also be set up to display different text in battle log when a timed hit is successful.

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Battle Favour

Battle Favour

This script adds favour meters to battle.
These favour meters increase by causing damage. When one side causes damage, it can also decrease the other side’s bar by an amount based on the gain amount.

As the meter fills for each team (enemy or party) they gain a state that can be used to determine the benefits of having higher favour. Upon reaching max favour, a common event can be called to add any additional effects you might like. In addition to this, the team keeps their max favour for a set duration of turns, after which their favour is reduced to 0.

Actors and equips can give bonuses to how much these bars increase. Enemies can also have different bonuses for this as well.
Skills can also be set to modify either side’s favour bar without causing damage.

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