MZ Message Timer

This plugin allows you to start a message timer that will automatically close the message or cancel the choices window when it expires. This was designed for when you want the user to only have limited time to make a choice selection.

VERSION 1.2 – RPG Maker MZ
Download Plugin file

Download my master demo to view examples of this plugin from:
Galv’s MZ Plugins Home

9 thoughts on “MZ Message Timer

  1. Galv says:

    Updated to include plugin order fix.

  2. Galv says:

    Updated with a fix to a bug with the timer when displaying just the choice window and no message window.

  3. Moonwriter Theory says:

    Hi, could you update that plugin to MV if possible?

    • Galv says:

      Sorry, I don’t plan to create an MV version of this as I don’t have much spare time these days.

      • lawcen says:

        Hi, I would like to know if you currently can afford the luxury of time needed to consider reworking on this plugin and porting it to the MV engine that is still quite popular even now.
        Since I am dabbling in JavaScript, I might try my hand at making it work but it is your original code, after all. Last thing I want is to butcher it.

      • Galv says:

        Unfortunately, not this point, but it’s likely not a lot changes required for it to work in MV as well.

  4. Ghoost says:

    This is a fantastic plugin, especially for my game where everything is on a timer!
    However, I did notice there’s currently an issue when using the default MZ plugin ‘Text Picture’
    TextPicture uses a plugin command to display a text/variable/etc on screen and move/erase it as a picture. It’s great for UI/HUD info.
    But when using it, the timer will continually repeat:

    I think it’s because this plugin somehow recognizes that the ‘show picture’ command is displaying text as a picture and thus thinking it’s a message, and tries to put a timer endlessly on it.

    Is there any way to add a conditional to the plugin so that it ONLY goes off if there’s a current active ShowText or ShowChoice window?

    Maybe like,
    Only activate IF
    ‘$gameMessage.isBusy’ || ‘$gameMessage.isChoice’ || etc?

    Or something to that effect? I can’t script, but there must be some way to only activate if it’s a ShowMessage Window Open or Choices Window Open…

    • Galv says:

      That would definitely be possible, but unfortunately I don’t have time to investigate this one any time soon, sorry.

      • Ghoost says:

        Looks like the nice folks at the forum were able to figure it out!

        1. Make a new line after line 176 and paste this code:
        if($gameMessage.isBusy() || $gameMessage.isChoice()){

        2. And then after line 181 make new line and paste this:

        Seems to do the trick! The final altered section will look like this:

        Game_Message.prototype.startMessageTimer = function(seconds) {
        if($gameMessage.isBusy() || $gameMessage.isChoice()){
        Galv.mTimer.autoCancelled = false;
        const frames = seconds ? Math.round(seconds * 60) : -2;
        this._messageTimerMax = frames;
        this._messageTimer = frames;

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