MZ Layer Graphics

This plugin allows you to use graphics as layers on the map. The layers can appear at different height levels (below the map, below characters, above everything, etc.) and can move in different ways. This was designed to be used for layer mapping (aka parallax mapping) as well as fogs and other effects.

In addition to map layers, layers can also be created in battles, allowing fogs and other effects.

VERSION 1.3 – RPG Maker MZ
Download Plugin file

Download my master demo to view examples of this plugin from:
Galv’s MZ Plugins Home

152 thoughts on “MZ Layer Graphics

  1. rick says:

    Hello Galv, I know this probably won’t mean much but I want you to know that I truly appreciate what you have done for the community. some of the plugins you have given us are the best by far for my game purpose. Thank you kindly. you are appreciated.

  2. Tyruswoo says:

    Very cool! I’m hoping lots of creators will make cool parallax mapping with this!

  3. kyle says:

    yey! looking forward to the other ones. great work Galv

  4. Amyrakunejo says:

    Sounds pretty sweet, on top of having multiple map layers.

  5. camerontucker says:

    Awesome, thank you :-) However when I include the note in the map properties everything works perfectly. But when I do it as an plugin command in an event it doesn’t. Tried every possible way now, also had a look into your demo, but it’s simply not working. I’m using the same as the note in the map properties. Do you have any ideas what is wrong?

    • Galv says:

      Does it not work in the demo? Look at the commands in the demo. Are you making sure to refresh the layers if you create them inside an event on the current map?

  6. Shellwin Dallwin says:

    Woohoo, Galv is making plugins for MZ, some of my most used plugins came from you. Hopefully you port shards to MZ ;)

  7. I was waiting for your plugin! Thank you!
    However, I was unable to switch layers during battle.
    It works if you set it on the map and then start the battle.
    But I want to switch during Battle.

  8. BustLove says:

    Thank you a lot Galv!
    I hope your awesome MV bust menu plugin will be ported soon to MZ!

  9. John says:

    Love your work but having a weird issue. I followed you demo, which helped a ton getting my static layer to stick, only one problem. When I walk past about half way down my map(its 27×17 sized) the layer disappears. When I go back up, it comes back. I used Z layer 0 like your demo. When I set it to different Z layers it stays on but it causes me to walk behind parts of the layer. Does it matter what layers I use building my map in MZ? I noticed in your demo you have the walking area at layer 1, back round trees on a new layer and foreground trees on another layer. Is that maybe the issue? Thanks and sorry for the wall of text lol. Also I have my game set to display 1280×720 for widescreen so its not a full 48×48 grid if that matters.

  10. breaknox says:

    hey, great pugin and thanks for your work. I have a question: is it possible to apply a graphic only to a specific layer, so it wont show below or above, but only for that defined layer?

  11. Jenex says:

    I think that there is a bug in this layer plugin system whenever
    you make a call from the common events. If you once display a static layer and then clear it through a common event call, it won’t be an issue but if you recall the save common event once again, it fails to show the same static layer that was shown previously.
    This issue only occurs while using a common event though but not in manual plugin command call.
    I tried to create a light system binding the common events in an item and your plugin, but the same problem is persistent. I tried to fix that through different methods of the common event call but failed.
    Hope you will take that bug into consideration. Thank You for all these amazing plugins.

    • Galv says:

      There shouldn’t be an issue with using common event to call and create layers – it might be how and when you are calling them. Just make sure if you are creating a layer on the same map, you need to refresh the layers.

      I would create all the layers you need and leave the ones not active invisible and just change their opacity when needed.

      • Jenex says:

        I changed the opacity of the layer as you suggested. Worked like a charm for me. Thanks once again for the response.

  12. raven says:

    thanks for the plugin

  13. Christopher Crooks says:

    The plugin works like a charm for maps I am currently designing. I am getting a [“Type Error” Cannot Read Property of Undefined.”] for those maps in my project I have not done yet.

    • Galv says:

      Are you creating layers on maps you haven’t created yet?

      • Christopher Crooks says:

        The Save Game was done prior to installing the plug-in. When the plug-in is enabled, the Save Game Continue file with error out when selected. New game runs fine and I can Save and reload any Save AFTER the plug-in was installed and enabled. I concluded if you are running the game and saving you will be ok until you download and install/enable future plug-ins.

      • Galv says:

        You are correct – a lot of plugins require you to start a new game after installing them.

  14. Bludiamonds says:

    I installed the plugin and when I start a new game I get a error stating TypeError cannot read property ‘7’ of undefined. What could cause this? Thanks!

    • Galv says:

      If you installed the plugin and then loaded a save file that was made before installing the plugin might cause that.

      • Bludiamonds says:

        Hi Galv, I did try a new game but now I get the TypeError cannot read property ‘2’ of undefined. I closed the program and restarted it along with a new game and I still get the error. Could other plugins be causing this?

      • Galv says:

        I wouldn’t think that was an error caused by another plugin unless it was an issue with coding – or perhaps a plugin that skips the default new game step. It sounds like an error with script call or the plugin not activated?
        I cannot help everyone error trap their projects but here’s a list of things to try:

        Errors Using Plugins

  15. Yuki says:

    How does your plugin works with collision? I mean… I don’t want a layer lower or above, I want my chara stop where the image is (A wall for example). Sorry my noobness

    • Galv says:

      This doesn’t do anything with collision. It’s a visual plugin.

      • Yuki says:

        ok and then if I use layer 0, how can I make my character not going through SOME things in that layer? That’s the question.

      • Galv says:

        By using the default collision of RPG Maker. I recommend asking in a forum for advice on parallax/layer mapping if that’s what you are trying to do. This plugin only displays images, doesn’t do anything with collision.

  16. Soeufans says:


    Nice pluguin! but…

    Can you add a “move layer” or something like that?

    I work with parrallax mapping, and for example, in 2k3, i can use Pictures to do parallax mapping, and I can move them wherever i want, and i miss doing something like that in this pluguin, to move the layer in the coordinates i want or by variable, is that posible??

    Thanks, and keep the good job!! :)

  17. Cathy says:

    Trying you plugin gave me an idea of a stealth situation like we could see in the game “commando” in which you had to avoid being seen by soldiers.

    Do you think it would be possible to interact with the layers shape attached to a moving event ?

    • Galv says:

      This plugin only does layer graphics. To make it appear it is interacting, you’d need to do other eventing – I recommend asking in a forum for that.

      • Cathy says:

        Searching on youtube for a lead, I found this video of someone using your plugin in an interactive way.

        If you’re curious look at 4:48 on the video.

        I can’t try to adapt his idea since the plugin he uses is for MV and I only own MZ.

      • Galv says:

        The interactive part is not this plugin. That’s a different plugin. This plugin only displays graphics.

  18. BrentBAM says:

    Hey Galv! I was wondering. With your layers plugin is it possible to use it for a sunbeam effect? I have a sunbeam layer and I want it to move with the camera so that it looks like sun rays. Do you think that’s possible?
    Thank you.

    • Galv says:

      Yes, it’s possible. You will need to determine what size graphic you need and what settings are best for your map, though.

      • BrentBAM says:

        Hey Galv. thanks for responding. Great. What setting do you think I would use to make the sunbeam layer stay within the camera so it doesn’t go off screen?

      • Galv says:

        You will need to determine the settings yourself. Trial and error. But changing the X move and Y move to your tile size (48 by default) would make the layer move as though it was stuck to the screen.

  19. Lranger says:

    Hi Galv, sorry to bother you but I’m having an issue with static layers. The normal layers are working properly. However, I tried everything but the static layers just won’t show.
    I’ve even tried copying the whole map of your master demo into my game and copied the related layers, but it still won’t show.
    Could it be because I’m using rpg maker mz 1.1.1 and it’s outdated for your plugin?
    I would really appreciate your kind help.

    • lranger says:

      Oh sorry, It was just me mis-assigning the map IDs. Sorry for the fuss.

      • lranger says:

        For my situation I found out that “Map ID = 0” does not work for static layers, it does not refer to current layer. Not sure if this is just me or if there’s a problem.

  20. Mike in 2D says:

    Amazing plugin, love all your work. Thank you for providing the demo as well, it’s been really helpful in configuring. You’re a community legend!

  21. Krystal says:

    hi Galv, your plugins are amazing, I was wondering if I can use this one in RMMV.

  22. Rebecca says:

    This is my favorite layer graphics plugin, unfortunately it causes the game to crash when you deploy your project for Web/Mobile.

    I really love all your plugins Galv and appreciate all the work you’ve done for the community. Thank you!

  23. Jaclyn says:

    Hi! I would like to first thank you so much for your plugins. I use many of them regularly in my game, including the layer graphics. However, I am finding that with the layer graphics, I’m having a couple issues I was hoping you could help me resolve.

    First, when using the layers in the map notes, I cannot for the life of me get them to scroll or move across the map using the X Y settings (I have double, triple, and quadruple checked and I’m using the correct spots. I add speed to them, and they remain static.

    Second, I can’t create layers using the plugin commands, only using the notes. Nothing happens at all when I try to use the plugin commands. They will only appear if I use them in notes. And third, when I was trying to create layers with the plugin command, it would try to pull from my battlebacks folder, not my layers folder.

    Thank you for any ideas on what may be causing these issues.

    • Galv says:

      Check out the demo and make sure to read the documentation.

      The layer graphics made via map notes should work with movement, not sure why they wouldn’t. Does it happen in the demo?
      Make sure you use the correct layout for the notes, they are slightly different to not using notes.

      When creating a layer on the same map, you need to refresh the layers. Ideally you should set them up on a different map, so then no refresh is necessary.

  24. Mikee says:

    Hi Galv. Is there any reason why your plugin would cause a Error: Cannot read property “2” of undefined even when no other plugins are running?

  25. Pygmales says:

    Hello Galv! I use this plugin and I really like it. But today I’ve got a problem. I created a 40×70 tile map. For this map I made a layer, 960×1680 pixels respectively. When I try to attach this layer to the map, it becomes smaller, about 1/4 of the size of the map. Do you happen to know what could be the reason?
    Thanks in advance!

    • Galv says:

      The default tile size in MZ is 48px.
      40 tiles x 48 = 1920
      70 tiles x 48 = 3360
      You would need the layer to be that size to fill the map.

  26. Em says:

    Can you use blending modes with this?

  27. jfingle says:

    The link doesn’t work for me, is it taken down?

  28. Chris says:

    Hi I noticed previous comment from jfingle saying the link wasnt working. It still isn’t working as I have tried a few times myself. I click a link and another tab opens but automatically closes it self.

  29. If you see in your site’s logs someone who downloaded a lot of plugins from this page today, that was me.

    I’m leaving you this message to let you know that thanks to you kindly sharing your work for free I will be able to bootstrap my game and make it look and play in a way that is far removed from the RPG Maker experience.

    I will give back to you in the form of donations in two stages. First a little, when I rise funds for the game, and later again (hopefully a more substantial donation) when I reach a certain milestone of profit.

    Thanks a lot / muito obrigado, Bholenath.

  30. Lydia says:

    Hey Galv, I’m seriously loving this plugin, but for some reason blend modes other than 0 (normal) don’t seem to work for me. Just wondering if you have any ideas. Thanks much!

    • Galv says:

      I just did a test to make sure they were weren’t bugged but it is working fine for me. Are you adding the blend mode via plugin command or map note? If it’s by map note or script, make sure the value is the the right position between commas.

      • ThunderBanana says:

        I’m having the same issue. I just map note and the layer only shows up on blend mode 0.

  31. Steven says:

    Hey Galv, I’m interested in donating to your cause… but I’d like to get the plugin working before I do so. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, and I took a look at the sample project, but I still don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Is there any way you can help me?

    • Galv says:

      Check out this link for some error-trapping starters:

      Then let me know some more details and I will try to work out what’s happening. For example, does it throw an error? If so, what does the error say?

      If it doesn’t throw an error, have you made sure to follow all the instructions? (Such as, if you added a layer in an event on a map, did you use the script call after it to refresh the layers?

      • Steven says:

        Hi Galv, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’ll try the forums. I have been asking around, but no one has stepped forward to help. I’m sure it is something I’m doing wrong, but I have read through all your literature, and I think I’m doing it correctly… I’ll get back to you. Thanks!!

      • Galv says:

        You’ll have to show how you set it up so people can try to see where you went wrong. I saw your forum post – make sure you post screenshots there.

  32. Buck says:

    Hey Galv. This really is an incredible plugin. I’ve been using it since it was released for MZ. Is there a chance that you could allow for sub folders within the Layers folder? Just wondering. Thanks in advance.

  33. Axii says:

    Thank you so much for all the hard work you have done to provide us with such amazing plugins! You are very appreciated by me and many others I believe.

  34. sonneiko96 says:

    Thank you so much for the hard work you have done and to share with us these amazing plugins. You are very much appreciated, by me alongside many others I believe!

  35. aston00rick says:

    Hello friend, I’m having an issue. when I’m running around the map under doorways and other things that is above the player layer, there are times when the character walks under like intended but then under the same stuff, the player walks over it. not sure if that has been reported yet. didn’t see anything on it. thank you kindly

  36. ENA says:

    Thanks for the great plugin!
    May I ask a question?

    I would like to use the layering effect during a front view battle, not on the map.

    In that case, the following 3 images
    1.png (the layer behind the enemy),
    2.png (layer for enemy characters),
    3.png (layer in front of the enemy)

    How and where should I specify this?
    Currently I have just activated the plugin.

    • Galv says:

      Check the demo for an example of layers in battle (one of the events on the Layer Graphics map shows that example). And check the demo instructions for how it works. The Z value is what will determine where the layers show.

      • ENA says:

        Thank you so much for your prompt reply!

        I saw your great demo! I am trying it though,
        Where can I find something called a layer ID?

        Also, I get the following error when I put 3 or 4 in the Z level to specify the overlapping order of the layers.

        [object Object]addChildAt: The index 3 supplied is out of bounds 2”

        Also, if I put 3+, I get the following syntax error.

        Unexpected token ‘,'”

      • Galv says:

        Not sure what is going on, but it might be conflicting with another plugin. Here’s some ideas to error-trap

        Errors Using Plugins

  37. ENA says:

    Is it possible to create a character at an event, display a picture when the player talks to that character, and add a parallax effect to that picture?

  38. 2slayer2 says:

    With this plugin could I make a map that gets bigger using parallax?

    I mean, currently if I want to create a map with parallax, the plugins for mz force me to make the parallax image the same size as the map, so if I want to make a 80×80 map it’s equivalent to a 3840×3840. This is a problem With RAM memory, I’m looking for a plugin that will let me split that 3840×3840 image into parts, to position them on the map without them moving and loading and unloading from memory as the character moves away or moves away. about.

    I don’t know if it’s possible with this plugin because using the tilsets limits me too much and I prefer to create the map in parallax images.

    • Galv says:

      This plugin does allow you to add small layers to a map and position them as required. I would recommend using smaller maps instead, though because as you said – the engine doesn’t handle huge images well.

  39. First of all thank you for the plugin.
    I installed the plugin in my project, but it gives me some issues when im in battle when it comes to the position, i turned it on and off in the propities but it dosent change it, it keeps moving the characters to the left. my game resolution is 1104×624 i dont know how to fix it.

  40. Felipe Guzman says:

    First of all thank you for the plugin.
    I installed the plugin in my project, but it gives me some issues when im in battle when it comes to the position, i turned it on and off in the propities but it dosent change it, it keeps moving the characters to the left. my game resolution is 1104Ă—624 i dont know how to fix it.

  41. CaiuĂŁ AraĂşjo says:

    Hello, Galv.
    I’m having some trouble with the parallax and would like to ask you for some insight.
    Look the maps above. The house lighting is working fine, but the city lighting is looking like a mist, although I’m using exactly the same configuration of the plugin, and the same kind of illumination layer. And don’t know why its not working. At the city map I would like to use a background above the river either, but its not working too, even when I put a negative Z Level.
    Thank you so much.

    • Galv says:

      I don’t know what the layers are meant to look like. This plugin doesn’t do any lighting/illumination effects. You are using the default blend mode for all of them, so looks like you’re relying on your png transparency?

  42. Sagar says:

    Hi Galv, I really love your plugin. I have been using this for my project and having a blast.
    I have a noob question, how do you get the fog to fade in? I noticed you did that in the demo, but I’ve looked all over the comments and different ways to achieve that with no luck. I am using your script via the plugin command in a parallel event. And it only has the opacity value in a constant state. So how do I transition the opacity value so the fog layer fades into the screen?

  43. A Noob says:

    Hey galv. I was hoping to use a time plugin and change layer graphics at different times like lighting. The problem is plugging machanism doesn’t appear to work. So imagine I wanna use layer name Lighting01 as 3rd layer on map 1. So plugin command supposed to be
    Layer 1 3 Lighting01 0 0 200 4 0 0 0
    But it doesn’t appear to work! Can you help me please?

    • Galv says:

      Download the demo and check out the settings – make sure to thoroughly read the plugin description. Compare yours to the demo to try and see what’s amiss.

  44. shogoth_baozi says:

    Hi Galv, thank you for your nice plugin!

    I have encountered an issue when using your plugin. It works perfectly fine in normal game testing. However, when I tried to test an event in the event editor individually (by right click and press “Test” or press Ctrl+R) the game stops functioning. I kept only the Layer plugin on and the issue remained.

    Here is the error log:

    I appreciate it if you could take a look at it! Many thanks!

    • Galv says:

      Ah, you are correct – I never use that test functionality. Not even sure if it was there when I wrote the plugin. Unfortunately, I am not sure when I will have time to look at that.

  45. Terrormaster says:

    Hi Galv, thanks for this wonderful plugin. I love the fact the layer images can be pre-cached as I can cache the ones I need on the map prior and use a refresh on the next with no delay.

    I was wondering if it’s possible to have a layer show in front of pictures? I tried setting Z level to 10 and 99 and picture 1 is still on top. Would be nice to use on custom screens and menus to give them a little visual oomph.

    • Galv says:

      Not with the plugin. Show Picture images are drawn above the map layers, you would need another plugin to modify the Show Picture (I think there’s one out there). Alternatively, this plugin has static layers that act like pictures.

  46. Amar says:

    Could I send you a video clip of a small issue im having with the character going above a layer it shouldn’t, and going back to normal randomly?

  47. Ghost says:

    Is there a way of using the current map’s ID# for the ‘Map ID’ Box of the CreatStaticLayer plugin command?
    Currently, you have to type “14” if you want the event to run on map 14, BUT if that event were already present ON the map as a Map Event, could I instead use ‘this._mapId’ or save the mapId to variable and use ‘$gameVariables.value(25)’? Or maybe even ‘\v[]’ form?
    It would really save so much work, as I’m going to have one of these events on every map T-T

    • Galv says:

      Yep, make the map id 0 and it will use the map id it was created on.
      Note, you will then have to refresh the layers if that layer didn’t already exist.

      • Ghost says:

        Oh man, I can’t believe I didn’t try that!
        Thank you so much Galv. I’ve been watching your work since back when you made a Legend of Dragoon inspired combo script for Ace. I hope you’re doing great these days. T-T

      • Ghost says:

        -I’m sorry to be back here already after you just answered me above, but I tried setting the Plugin command Map ID to 0 when I got home, and I think there’s a bug…
        -Just to make sure I wasn’t crazy or having a conflict, I made a blank project with only this plugin, and sure enough, it seems that setting MapID to 0 will not spawn the layer graphic on the current map it was created on…
        -Here is a 20 second video clip that shows both event examples, both exactly the same except the first is using MapID 0, the second is using MapID 1 (the map’s actual ID). (the layer ID is different on each one too, but that shouldn’t cause issue.)
        Only the second event (MapID=1) works.

      • Galv says:

        Hmmm, I’m unsure why it’s not working for you there, would need to run tests. But if you download the demo and go to the Layer Graphics map, the witch creates water layers using id 0.

  48. Ghost says:

    I think I figured out what’s happening!
    So I went to that witch from the Master Demo, copied her onto my New Project (along with the water pngs), and she works!

    After some scrutinizing, it seems to be that the reason Witch works but my Event doesn’t, is that Witch is using the “Create Layer” Plugin Command (for moving tiled pics). I’m using the “Create STATIC Layer” Plugin Command (a static non-tiled image).

    Despite keeping all the values the same, MapId= 0 for current Map, ONLY seems to work with the “Create Layer”, NOT “Create STATIC Layer”.

    This can even be replicated on your Master Demo, if the Witch has her “Create Layer” Plugin Command changed to “Create STATIC Layer”.

  49. 2slayer2 says:

    Hello, when using this plugin, when I export the game on Android, the parallax images look somewhat pixelated and blurry. Also, for example, the part of the image that would be the bottom, such as a tree, its upper part that would go in another parallax layer because it looks like a small cut, as if it did not completely continue the image. However, if I use another similar plugin this does not happen. but I preferred yours because I noticed greater performance. Do you know why this happens? Will you find a solution?

  50. rainy_day311 says:

    I tried creating a background layer (by setting the priority as Z level -10 and making the layer a static layer), but it keeps making my playable character stuck in the set spawn point/unmovable, as well as removing ability to use the inventory screen (basically freezing the game). In addition, the layer does not show up. I have tried changing the type of layer from static to regular and the Z level from -10 to 0. After trying various combinations, I still get the same result. Do you have any ideas what could be causing this? (Btw ignore the identical comment I posted on the camera control plugin page I hadn’t realised I was on the wrong comment section until after I posted.)

    • Galv says:

      Sounds like you are using parallel or auto run event and have not stopped that event from repeating. By default those event types repeat until you tell them not to by using something like a switch.

  51. aston00rick says:

    hello, can you please tell me what tier your plugin would layer graphics would be?

    • Galv says:

      I’m not sure what you are asking, sorry.

      • aston00rick says:

        Ok, I’m sorry. I mean rpg maker mz has their 0, their 1, their 2 up to tier 5 plug in orders. Was asking what tier layer graphics would be?.

      • Galv says:

        You set the z level of each layer (which can be decimal places) to have them appear above or below the map and sprites.

      • What aston00rick meant was that some other plugin packs – especially large collections – use a tier system to let folk know where to place a plugin to avoid conflicts with others in the series. The Yanfly Engine ports for MZ basically do that. Tier 0 would be the core engines, Tier 1, the add-ons affecting those, and so on.
        They’re basically asking if it’d conflict with anything, and where best to place it in their plugin order to avoid that.

      • Galv says:

        Ah, good call. Most of my plugins don’t need to be in an order and will say in the plugin description for the few that do.

  52. eerie_one says:

    I’m new to RPG Maker and I’m finding it to be a bit of a learning curve to understand. I read the directions and I’ve tried to figure out how to put things together by looking at the event pages in the demo, but it’s not really sinking in. Do you have any videos of using the plugin? Not of what it can do in game, but actually putting the commands in editor to make it do it? Hope so, would help a bit I think. Either way I’ll keep trying to understand how to use it, thank you.

  53. MR says:

    Hi, I’ve read through this and can’t seem to find an answer to my problem. First of all, thanks so much for your hard work on these plugins!

    I can get my parallax layering to work, but when I try to get anything else to show up (my lighting layer, specifically) nothing changes.

    LAYER_S MAP001 par 0 0 255 5 0

    LAYER_S MAP001 light 0 0 255 6 0

    are the codes I’m using. Any advice?

    • Galv says:

      Assuming you are using those in the map notes? The order of variables is:

      The ID is a unique number for your layer. ‘MAP001’ doesn’t work for a unique ID. It has to be a number and multiple layers on the same map cannot have the same ID. Download the demo and check out the Layer Graphics map for examples.

      • MR says:

        Thanks so much for this. The tutorials I’ve found using the plugin were saying different variables, and I was confused why it wasn’t working. Referencing the notes was a bit confusing for me (but this is a me problem!)

  54. NotInigo Montoya says:


    I am having an issue where the game crashes when creating a layer with a plugin command within an event. This is the error that is thrown:

    getChildat: Index (-1) does not exist.

    Can anyone assist on why this error is happening? I have used the plugin command before to create layers and not had this issue.

    Thank you in advance.

  55. NotInigo Montoya says:


    I am trying to ask for help but my inquiry keeps getting deleted by the auto-moderation.

    It is related to a “bug” with Galv Layers MZ. I am getting a crash when a layer is created.

    I am unsure I can say more about the error without getting my comment deleted, so please reply and I will try and respond. Really could use some assistance. Thank you.

    • Galv says:

      Your comment wasn’t being deleted, it just had to be approved before it is visible (to stop spam getting through).

      Make sure to start a new game after adding the plugin and check all your settings are correct.

  56. Paige says:


    I am having an issue where the game crashes when trying to create a layer within an event using a plugin command. I have used the plugin command before in events and not had issues, but in a specific event it is throwing an error.

    The error I get is this:

    getChildat: Index (-1) does not exist

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  57. Dusky says:

    I like to think I have a decent understanding of Javascript and RMMZ plugins but honestly, this one perplexes me.

    I have had several instances where I’ve used a layer on a map, then deleted that layer image and changed all the events inside my game to not refer to it anymore, and yet when I run the game I get a file not found error (so it is for some reason still looking for that layer image).

    That wouldn’t be so mysterious if I had been loading an old save with events which still referred to that image. But I’m not. I’m running a completely new save on a version of the game where no events refer to the outdated layer. So I end up having to create a mock layer .png to not have it crash.

    Similarly, right now I am in the situation where I have updated layer images, done nothing but change the how the .png looks (it still has the same name), but LayerGraphics is showing the outdated version of the image. This even happens when I start a new save/playthrough. No idea when/if it will ever show the updated layer graphic.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t even have thought these behaviors were technically *possible*.

    Other than these persistence/loading issues, the plugin is great.

    • Galv says:

      I have not heard of anything like you describe happening before or experienced that when using it myself.

      If the plugin is trying to reference an image file, it’s because it is still in the layer settings you created somewhere (be it in map notes or an event). The layer settings are stored in the save file, so starting a new game means there are no layer settings on game start.

      Your other issue, updating an image and it is showing the old version of the image, I am guessing you are testing/running the game in a browser. The old image might still be cached – try clearing your browser cache and try again. It shouldn’t happen when testing in RPG Maker software.

      I recommend testing the issue in a new project and seeing if it still happens – it might be a plugin conflict or a missed mistake in the setup.

      • Dusky says:

        Thanks, I’ll try to take your advice. I’m actually testing through the RMMZ editor, but I agree that at least the second issue seems like it has to do with caching.

        I’ll let you know if I resolve it. I wanna say in general though, your plugins are just awesome and really make using RMMZ much more appealing! Much respect, keep up the good work.

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