MV Manual Level Up

This plugin changes how level ups work in your project. Instead of levelling up normally when a character reaches the required exp for next level, the player will instead be required to manually level them up from a new scene that can be accessed via the status screen or script call.

The manual level up screen displays skills and parameters that will be acquired as well as a number of points the player can spend to boost chosen parameters. Each parameter can have one point placed in it which will increase it by a designated amount (which can vary for different classes).

VERSION 1.1 – RPG Maker MV
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26 thoughts on “MV Manual Level Up

  1. Well this is a particular shade of awesome!

  2. Kyle Ramirez says:

    can we use other color than green?

    • Galv says:

      I updated to 1.1 so you can change the color of the param when selected from green to something else.

      For the icon you’ll need to choose an icon in the plugin settings.
      For the graphic you’ll need to modify it to change the color.

  3. StyX says:

    Is it possible to skill one parameter several times?

    • Galv says:

      Nope, not with this plugin. This one is designed to make players have to add points to each in an attempt to stop stacking one parameter.

      There are other stat-assigning plugins that can do that, though.

  4. Lili says:

    would it be possible to implement,
    to let people use costum parameters with this.
    And maybe more than parameters 7 ?

    For example [Quasi] Params Plus.

    ( i created some extra paramters like Will (needed fot talking and trading since some poeple just a jerks ^^) and so on).

    another example would be my Pickpoket Parameter ^^ for stealing from npcs but if you fail the melitia will come ^^

    • Galv says:

      If these extra params were added to the default params array then you can add them via the plugin settings by adding the param id to the list. If not then you’ll need to modify the javascript to do it.

      • Icey1992 says:

        when i add the hp and mp it cuts off the last two, making them go off screen. how would i be able to fix this?

      • Galv says:

        Make the images smaller and change their size in the plugin settings – or make your screen size bigger with another plugins.

      • Icey1992 says:

        Thank you!! i changed the resolution and now its perfect.
        Also i know its not the proper place to ask but, When will you be recreating your storage script to mv? your’s seems like the only good one that was around.

      • Galv says:

        Sorry, I can’t give a time. But I’ll try to make it one of the next ones I do. :)

  5. Karina says:

    So, how would we go about enabling this only at certain points, like Dark Souls 1 Bonfires, where you could level up at those, for any actor?

  6. Cassio says:

    Hi, i’m interested in use this parameter only for one hero.
    is possible implement who will have the manual parameters?

    is possible give a level up point to an actor? (out the level up)

    Thank you

    • Galv says:

      Unfortunately not at the moment. If it’s not in the help doc you can’t do it. I might come back and update it later when I have time

  7. RuneFactoryGuy says:

    I seem to be missing the required images to run this plugin. Do you mind either sending the images to me or giving me the dimensions needed for them? That would be gladly appreciated.

    The Rune Factory Guy

  8. Adam says:

    Does this allow players to tally up a bunch of EXP and level up several times at once? Kind of like Final Fantasy XV

  9. This is what I’m looking for, but I’m also looking to branch off into what skills you can learn to let the player shape the character more on preference for what attacks they learned.

    ((for example, like, dragon age level system or the witcher, or any game where you can branch off.))
    Ex: magic users > options:

    level up!: ((you have (x) amount of level up points!

    Elemental > fire ball, fire storm, fire twister
    or water darts,, waterfall, tsunami,
    (x a few others)
    Healing> (light circle , heavens rain, dispel, revive ect.)

    Battle mage> x attck , or x attck or x attck

    Necromancer> x attck or x attck or x attck

    Where it can branch off into the next skill if you have a level up point, and branch off from what subclass mage you decide on and branch off of different attacks or attacks that improve itself once you get more level up points.

  10. Hello, dear author, I found a problem in the process of using it. If the role or occupation is set with several times of experience, the final experience will be — the experience multiple set by the role * the experience multiple set

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