MZ Visual Novel Choices

This plugin allows you to display the ‘Show Choices’ selection in a more visual novel style layout and using a graphic for the background and hover state.
A tag can be included in each choice text to display a different graphic from the VNButtons.png graphic in /img/system/ folder (Make sure to get this graphic from the demo).

VERSION 1.0 – RPG Maker MZ
Download Plugin file

Download my master demo to view examples of this plugin from:
Galv’s MZ Plugins Home

10 thoughts on “MZ Visual Novel Choices

  1. Sang Hendrix says:

    The plugin works great but I wish there was an option that enables you to make the buttons having an opening effect and a disappearing effect, such as Fade In and Fade Out.

  2. Yu says:

    Hello, I think I found a bug in this plugin. When I set $gameSystem.vnChoices to false, show choices, then set it to true again, the normal choice window cursor still exist behind the VNButtons graphic. Tested it in demo and new project but the result is the same, so I think it’s not my project’s fault or incompatibility with other plugins.

    • Galv says:

      Put a wait frame before you set it to true again – does it still happen? If so, are you able to screenshot your event?

      • Yu says:

        I’ve tried to put wait frame but it still happen. Actually I solved the problem by changing the script a bit. I replaced the Window_ChoiceList.prototype._refreshCursor to Window_ChoiceList.prototype._updateCursor and change the _cursorSprite.opacity to _cursorSprite.alpha. I don’t know much about RPG Maker MZ js API, but it works and doesn’t seems to have any problem so far.

      • Galv says:

        I cannot replicate it, but glad you worked it out

  3. Valeria Miranda says:

    Hello. Was the graphic VNButtons.png removed from the last demo version?

  4. Geno says:

    Where can I find images to test this out? There seems to be no included when downloaded this giving the error that no vnbuttons.png can be found. When I download the file, only the plug in script is in the zip

  5. Tripled Supset says:

    Hi, so something that came up is that I tried to use winter’s conditional choice’s plug in with this, and when I tried using both, it messed with the placement of the text on the choices. I don’t think this was something you were prepared for, but I feel combining both plugins could hold a lot of potential, just thought you know. Here’s the plug in I’m talking about

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